I am currently the Manager of the Rothfels Lab and Research Botanist for the Jepson and University Herbaria. Prior to working in California, I was the David Burpee Post Doctorate Fellow at Bucknell University in the lab of Chris Martine working with population genetics of spiny Australian Solanums. My post-doctorate before that was under the supervision of Pam and Doug Soltis at the University of Florida studying genome evolution of polyploidy with Tragopogon. My PhD work was done 100% at the University of Heidelberg in the lab of Marcus Koch in the Biodiversity and Systematics of Brassicaceae, specifically Draba, an arctic and alpine genus.
I am originally from Omaha, Nebraska, and attended University of Nebraska Lincoln for my two bachelor degrees and master degree. I studied horticulture, chemistry, and biology while in Lincoln, eating up any botanical science I could get my hands on.
Currently, I am developing my research into large population genetic projects that explore the adaptive traits that are involved in the flexibility of plant sexuality. Click here to read more.