Mick and Dr. Jeff Doyle (Cornell) gave guest lectures at Reed College in the Genetics course taught by Prof. Jeremy Coate who advised Mick during undergrad and who was himself advised by Jeff at Cornell. Together they study the young allotetraploid complex of wild soybean (Gycine subgen. Glycine) and are always keen on inspiring young botanists! Three generations of plant scientists!
In which Carl goes to actual NorCal (or is it NoCal?) to spread the fern gospel with the North Coast Chapter of the CNPS (California Native Plants Society). A great time was had by all, or at least by Carl (thanks to Carol Ralph!).
Enjoying the dune forest with Carol. Lots of Pinus contorta contorta.The Dunes, where live many rare plants. Not so good for ferns, however.We made an expedition to Patrick’s Point SP to see this Selaginella, which, despite its decidedly terrestrial/rupestral nature, is S. oregana. Very cool! It’s much more “droopy” than one would expect from S. wallacei, and doesn’t have rhizophores except near the base.More S. oregana.I like S. oregana a lot.To round out our North Coast Selaginella, we visit a naturalized population of S. kraussiana near Humboldt State.Looks pretty well established to me… (all that lighter green stuff along the road is Selaginella kraussiana.)
And finally, vertebrates put on a pretty good show too, including this spectacular 8-inch or so beauty: Dicramptodon tenebrosus. It was just sitting there at Patrick’s Point!
We wholeheartedly congratulate Ingrid Jordon-Thaden on her new position as the Director of the Botany Greenhouse at University of Wisconsin-Madison. We thank you for all of your incredible contributions to the Rothfels Lab and we wish you success in your new gig!!
PotLuck and cookout celebration for Ingrid! (Who brought the chips?)
Integrative Biology students chatting it up at the going away PotLuck for Ingrid!