The illustrious Michael Sundue came to visit! Much research was done (TED, TED, and TED), and we co-enabled our co-dependency with fieldwork for a day in Marin County (thanks John for the itinerary!). We managed a total of 17 fern species, one lycophyte, and 12 mussels. Not bad! Oh, and Sol Food. Fantastic.
Sundue getting cozy with Aspidotis carlotta-halliae, a California endemic allopolyploid. We saw A.densa, too, for 50% of the global Aspidotis diversity. They were all pretty crispy, like this.What is this? Anyone, anyone? Sweet huge thalloid liverwort.Equisetum arvense, which I don’t see very often around here (it’s almost always E.telmateia). And in a “native-looking” setting, rather than the weedy habitat you tend to see it in in the east.Presumably Dryopteris arguta, but we had Dryopteris expansa on the brain by this point (it was the more common Dryopteris at this site), and were trying to convince ourselves that this was a hybrid.Adiantum aleuticum — the day’s final fern.No caption needed.
Addendum–fieldwork isn’t without its risks…. Damn you Toxicodendron!!!